Hood Fitness
Stay Healthy! Stay Fit! Stay Hood!

About Me

Hello everyone!

Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to visit Hood Fitness. This is journey that my wife and I started during the Covid19 pandemic, and we're continuing to go hard and strong. We have always been into health, fitness, and our well-being. But this for sure was a different calling. So, I decided to use this time to become a Certified Trainer, and Certified Nutritionist through ISSA. Since that time, I've experienced working with Clients that had different goals from one another. I don't really consider myself as a trainer, but as a friend who knows what it takes to help people reach their individual goals. I also realize that you must continue to live life, and there will be times, and situations where you may not be able to stick with your meal plans, train, or obtain the required amount of sleep that you need. But those are the reasons that we enjoy working with Clients so much, because we get it! We understand it! But if you allow us the opportunity to assist you. We can assure you that we (meaning you and the HF Team) will help you reach your desired outcome. But remember change doesn't happen overnight and it will take consistency, and work to get there. All we must do is keep our eyes straight ahead, and just stay focused. It will happen!


Stay Healthy, Stay Fit, Stay Hood!

Maria & James Hood